
"In moments, under Neil Gooding's clear-eyed, unhurried direction, and guided by cues in the book and lyrics, it's quite heartbreaking....Gooding is a very fine director of musical theatre because he has a great internal understanding of the form and its various quirks. He's very good at bridging the gap between naturalistic, emotionally-charged dialogue and the inner truth of shifting into song. He has a handle on that 'push' that justifies a song the moment the first note is sung; he seems to find a genuine and honest quality of each of his actors, uniting him in each different musical's universe as a world-builder...."
– About Dogfight: Cassie Tongue, Aussie Theatre

"Neil Gooding's direction utilises space limitations of the Hayes Theatre to his advantage, evoking wistfully, the grunge of the 1990s and of Newtown... The incorporation of live musicians within the space is charming. Gooding allows them to be within sight, but they are never intrusive. Above all, Gooding is a sensitive storyteller. The plot unfolds beautifully, with surprise, laughter and pathos always in the mix. His cast is a strong one, and the conviction of their performances is impressively engrossing."
– About Truth, Beauty and a Picture of You: Suzy Wrong - Suzy Go See

"This is theatre on a knife edge, with infinite micro-decisions by the writers and director Neil Gooding contributing to its urgency as it lifts a scab, and allows us to peer at a wound most of us could barely imagine."
– About Stalking the Bogeyman: Sydney Morning Herald

"Neil Gooding has cast the show well, and directs a fluent production"
– About The Bridges of Madison County: Jo Litson, limelight

It is yet another feather in the crowded cap of the Producer/Director Neil Gooding. He helped found the Hayes Theatre with the aim of nurturing new musicals.

– About Truth, Beauty And A Picture Of You: David Spicer, Stagewhispers

"Neil Gooding directs a well oiled production, ably assisted by an interesting and well designed set created by James Browne, which moves with fluidity courtesy of a clever collaboration between Browne, Gooding and choreographer Leah Howard."
– About The Bridges of Madison County: Theatre Travels

"Director Neil Gooding uses astute restraint in what could have been a dramatic and artificial retelling of a difficult story. Instead, it's a production of clarity and respect, which is exactly what it requires."
– About Stalking the Bogeyman: Theatre Now

"Director Neil Gooding perfectly picks up the tone of the writing, creating an atmosphere of energetic improvisation as the focus shifts around the group and the storytelling flits back and forth in time. Gooding's vision for this online event is so well realised that it is hard to imagine the show working as effectively in a traditional theatre."

– About Who's Your Baghdaddy: Simon Parris, Man in Chair

"It is an engaging production, with Neil Gooding's restrained direction keeping things concise and clear. Ideas in Stalking The Bogeyman are simple, and powerfully conveyed on this stage."
– About Stalking the Bogeyman: Suzy Wrong - Suzy Go See

"Director Neil Gooding presents a fully acted performance, with the "concert" tag only really referring to the band being on stage and the general absence of scenery. Storytelling is clear and engaging, the passionate love story helping to sweep the audience into action. The heavily male-centric characters are clearly distinguished thanks to confident direction, interesting writing and excellent casting."
– About Paris – A Rock Odyssey: Simon Parris, Man in Chair

"Gooding's directorial choice to have Francesca's first introduction in "To Build A Home" presented with a purely American accent thankfully makes way to a more nuanced Italian American accent to anchor the character's heritage and ensure that she isn't seen as yet another cookie cutter character but has depth and intrigue."
– About The Bridges of Madison County: Jade Kops - Broadway World

"Loyal to Tan's insights into the inner world of the child, and to his own concerns as a father, director Neil Gooding's vision reaches to the parent as well as the child."
– About The Red Tree: Stage Whispers

"The company comprises of eight very well-matched performers whose talent, under Gooding's direction, sees the generation of reactive energy levels that usually correspond to face-to-face stage acting."

– About Who's Your Baghdaddy: Simon Parris, Man in Chair

"Neil Gooding directs yet another slick musical showstopper"
– About Jesus Christ Superstar: Alana Kaye, Theatre Now

"Gooding ensures that the work retains the truth and honesty without overacting so that the impact of the work is fully felt, and the weight of the content is clear."
– About Stalking the Bogeyman: Jade Kops - Broadway World

Gooding has cleverly used projected text and images above the stage to fill in gaps between scenes, flowing seamlessly and provided enough detail for the audience to follow without being distracting or unnecessary.
– About Paris – A Rock Odyssey: Bradley Storer, Theatre Press

"Magnificently directed by Neil Gooding" ★★★★
– About The Red Tree: Arts Hub

" Director Neil Gooding immediately and clearly establishes the simultaneous settings conceit, enhancing the subtext by placing developing action literally under the noses of characters who are actually miles away. Gooding delivers a production of sterling clarity, illuminating the intricate text but never pandering to simplicity. The end result is tenderly affecting, leaving plenty for the audience to ponder."
– About Passion: Simon Parris, Man in Chair

"A Triumph!" and "You'll be swept along by the pure artistry and seamless stage, musical and set direction of this piece."
– About The Red Tree: Weekend Notes

"Neil Gooding's direction is first rate, as are the performances. It's well-sung, well-lit, and well-produced."
– About Becoming Bill: Peter Pinne – Stage whispers

"...director Neil Gooding has expeditiously crafted something quite precious. Certainly to fans that had to be content with grainy YouTube footage of the original Broadway production. The romance, in story and production spirit, is palpable."
– About Passion: Jason Whittaker, Daily Review

"There is nothing worn or tired about this musically vibrant, thematically rich piece, and Neil Gooding's production is a fantastic, exciting execution, both musically and dramatically"
– About Dogfight: Giles Hardie, Time Out Sydney

"Gooding keeps events moving at an appropriate pace and succeeds in creating a believable sense of the distance between Charlie and Ellie, despite the actors often physically being mere centimetres from one another"
– About The Life Of Us: Theatre People

"Neil Gooding really effectively used the three intricately connected rooms in Raymond Milner's set design, especially when transitioning from one characters perspective to the other."
– About Becoming Bill: Virag Dombay – Broadway World

"Co-directors Neil Gooding and Luke Joslin (one of the original stars of Avenue Q – to which this concept owes a lot) keep the fun and action moving, with the laughter and jokes in line with the tone of the original show."
– About Thank You For Being A Friend: Australian Stage

"Gooding puts the lovers in proximity and distance in a close to mathematical representation of the emotional topography. In the same way that film gives status with high and low angle shots, The Life of Us has that extra dimension."
– About The Life Of Us: Judith Greenaway, Reviews by Judith

"the real difference in this production is Neil Gooding's direction – and it benefits tremendously from his fresh eye and keen understanding of character building within musical numbers."
– About Wicked The Musical: Cassie Tongue, Aussie Theatre